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9 februari 2025
Home » Ivo Monticelli tekent bij Beta Factory Racing voor 2024

Ivo Monticelli tekent bij Beta Factory Racing voor 2024

De Italiaan Ivo Monticelli keert in 2024 terug in het wereldkampioenschap MXGP.

Monticelli heeft een overeenkomst gesloten met het Beta Factory team en zal naast Ben Watson van start gaan.

Het team wordt geleid door Marchetti Racing. In de komende periode zal Monticelli veel testwerk verrichten en zal in februari van start gaan in het Italiaans Kampioenschap!

Lees hieronder het uitgebrachte persbericht:

Betamotor keeps up with its MX project and after introducing the new RX 450 at EICMA, the company signs a contract with Ivo Monticelli to complete the team who will be racing next year in the MXGP Motocross World Championship.

A 29-year-old from Ancona, Italy, Monticelli has in his CV an MX2 Italian title, as well as experiences in US Supercross and in the Motocross of Nations with the Italian team, and more than ten years of active participation in World Motocross Championship, also as an official rider.


“Getting back on an official bike is a great opportunity that I took with great excitement, also because I already know the MRT Team and their passion and professionalism, since I have raced with them for several years in the past. We have a busy testing calendar that will help us to set up at our best and reach the best condition before the Italian Internationals and the start of the World Championship. I will also be at the start of some rounds of the Italian Prestige series, and I can’t wait to get on the bike!”

Beta and Team MRT are ready for a new exciting season, good luck to Ivo and Ben from the whole staff!